Hello friends,
I've decided to abandon this little blog.
It has served its purpose and run its course. Since I started writing here 4 years ago much has changed: when I began blogging, Holly was just 2 weeks old, I had hardly even got into scrapping (and what I'd done so far was woeful), I was running an Etsy store called Pork Chop sewing baby dresses and stuffed toys, I was 10kg heavier, I was quiet, awkward and incredibly self-conscious about my wonky teeth, I was furiously anti-exercise, I didn't have a healthy body or healthy mind, and had bouts of post-natal depression. I threw myself into craft to escape from the parts of myself that I didn't like.
Fast forward to today: Holly is four and Ty is six, I've been married for 7 years, I've moved house, changed jobs, found my true creative voice, got healthy and started to (gasp) enjoy exercise. I suffered the pain of braces for over 3 and a half years so my teeth don't worry me anymore. For the first time in my life I really believe my dream of owning a cafe - a dream that I've had since I was about 13 - could eventuate some time in the next five years. I'm writing a book. And just writing in general again; something I've neglected for a long time.
I'm still leaving this blog up on the web though; I have so much work recorded here and an indecipherable tangle of links that would need to be tidied up if I unpublished this whole blog.
What I am doing however is tidying up things in my life and getting rid of the stuff that no longer serves me - including flicking the off switch here at Paper and Pins. This blog doesn't paint a true picture of who I really am, and that hasn't felt quite right to me for some time. I'm still crafting - just not so often. I'm also trying to be my real, raw, honest self as much as possible both online and in real life. Challenging! But in a good way.
But I'm still blogging!
Just not here - now you can find me sharing my creative stuff and much more at This Whole Soul. Please come over and take a look around! Or you can sign up here to get posts straight to your inbox.